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It is widely accepted that digital innovation is changing work environments and occupational profiles, impacting on people’s learning and work. But how does it affect the way people can manage their careers, train and change jobs? Thanks to innovative tools, greater data availability and artificial intelligence, new approaches to career development support and self-directed learning are transforming lifelong learning.

First port of call: online services

Managing a career in the 21st century is becoming easier. A multitude of online services is available to those who want to explore their potential autonomously by searching for new learning and working options. Self-service offers of information on occupations and learning opportunities, combined with personal skills and attitudes assessments, have flourished across the EU. Many include the possibility to create personal portfolios detailing skills, qualifications, experiences and aspirations. Increasingly, such websites include matching engines, linking personal traits and skills to advertised vacancies and allowing people to draft their CVs and apply for jobs. Some of these platforms are well known and widely used.

However, the quality of these digital services varies, depending on how and by whom the content is created, how they are supported, and how they engage users.

Flexible services delivered via multiple channels.

Self-directed online services tend to be of less use to people with relatively low levels of skills and knowledge. Their digital skills may be insufficient to use the web platforms, career information may be difficult to find and interpret, and users may simply have questions which are not answered by available content. Many people need qualified guidance practitioner assistance to make the most of these digital tools. A common strategy is to rationalise support through a combination of delivery channels (such as telephone, chat and email). The right combination of channels depends on users’ needs, which are usually progressively assessed to adjust the support they receive. Access to face-to-face interaction tends to be reserved for users with the greatest needs.

In this context, guidance professionals’ own jobs are changing; many are adopting a different mindset. Practitioners need to be willing to revise their strategies and to help develop technology-rich methods, while managers need to back this up with staff development plans.


The text is from the Briefing note – 9143 “NOT JUST NEW JOBS: DIGITAL INNOVATION SUPPORTS CAREERS”, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), 2019

Lucubrate Magazine November 2019

The picture of the top Jobs with blurred city abstract lights background By Tierney (Adobe Stock)

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Lucubrate Magazine
Lucubrate Magazine

Lucubrate Magazine highlights trends in education and development. Development in this context can be technological, educational, individual, social or global, and everything related to education.
Lucubrate Magazine is a global based on the web magazine with the main office in Norway.

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